Happy Damn Friday - Building Bridges

In life we have bridges. It's up to us whether we build them, cross them, or burn them?

What if we use them to get to where we need to be, what if we can get to anywhere we want to and the bridge is always there? Imagine having the world open to you that no matter where you go there is nothing stopping you going further and closer to where you want?

This is the really cool bit - they are already there. They are in your heart, in your soul, in your spirit, in you. You are the bridge to all the happiness, love, peace, joy and success you ever dreamed of and more. 

Go forward fearlessly, go forward with conviction and with hope. Do this and your bridge will always be there for you. 

And to think some people can't look past the 'Billy goat Gruff' - kinda crazy when you think about it???

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x
