Happy Damn Friday - Hide & Seek

Find or be found. This is the approach we need to have in life. You have to be there for the life you want, and the life you want others to have around you and with you. 

You don't have to have aspirations to be a rock star (ok maybe it would be cool), but you do have to have the aspirations to be all you want to be. To be all you can be and to be you for you - because when that happens you are already the 'all' for those with and around you. 

By opening ourselves to be ourselves we are letting us be found by all the really cool stuff that life, the world and even the universe has to offer. So don't hide, let yourself be found. Seek out what you desire and smile because you are worth every second of existence on this big old beautiful world. 

Ever heard of 'if you don't ask, you don't get?'  Making sense now huh?

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

Please get in contact with me on happydamnfriday@outlook.com
I would love to hear from you!
