Happy Damn Friday - We Could Be Heroes

In a week when the world has lost another iconic figure from the world of entertainment, it makes people reflect on the influence they have had in their lives. Whether it be a specific lyric, a melody to a song or a role in a to show or movie. The thing is that they have touched the lives of many. They have been a hero, or even an anti-hero. 

If you take the time to think of it everyone knows their name. Ultimately it is the same for all of us. We know who are our heroes. We know who influence, inspire, guide and make our lives more beautiful. Those who make life special. 

You are a hero. Believe it or not you are. Even if you make just one life more beautiful then you are a real hero in my book. 

Me? I have my hero, I have someone who makes everything special and every day beautiful. I am lucky and I never underestimate just how important my hero is. 

Be a hero. Be someone's, be everyone's hero. 

We all could be heroes - even just for one day

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

Please keep emailing: happydamnfriday@outlook.com
