And Breathe...

Sometimes we have times when we start to feel like there is a lot of pressure on us. It can be in our professional lives when we have what seems like an unending workload. You know those sorts of days that merge into weeks and it seems that for every mountain you climb there are 10 more on the horizon. 

This is ok. Actually, I think this is pretty cool. Why? Well, to me it is when we truly show our worth. We see what we are capable of achieving even when we may not be so sure we can. We show ourselves as being a true asset to the company you work for - this even applies if you are self employed. The thing is when you do your best, and I mean being confident you are giving all you can with what you have and what you are dealing with. Then, and only then can you establish yourself as integral to where you are. You will always be recognised for what you put in, for how hard you try - even if it doesn’t always succeed. Know your worth, don’t let anyone quash that. 

Don’t rest on your laurels though. Nobody ever become truly great by stepping back and being complacent. Never accept ‘just enough’ as ‘good enough’. It isn’t and never will be.

This also applies to our personal lives. We need to remember that it is not, and never will be, one way traffic. Friendships, relationships, family. We all need to be there for others. Give time because it is the most valuable gift of all. When we give our time, we give ourselves in whatever the occasion calls. 

You have the power to make yourself great. To accomplish everything there is to accomplish in work, in life and in love. It just needs us to keep calm. Don’t get panicked by the occasional chaos of life. 

Like the tinnitus of silence, the white noise of everyday can be confusing. Almost like creating a painting of a panic attack. So just stay calm, stay focused, give it all you have, and most importantly:

Don’t forget to breathe...

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter
