Shoot for the stars...

The sky is the limit. Shoot for the stars. Ever heard those sayings and wonder what it’s all about?

It’s obvious they are motivational and aim to encourage the listener to push themselves perhaps further than they would have before. It’s a call to arms within ones self. The “you can do this” in a chicken soup for the soul kind of way. 

I guess it is always about aiming big and not being afraid to fall occasionally. Being able to look past what we see as our limits and trying for more because we want more. Doesn’t matter how many times you try, nobody was ever beaten while they still try. 

Last night I passed a jogger, nothing strange as there are always some out there. But the woman I passed last night was a little larger than most, and going slower than others, but she was out there pushing herself. And in doing so she was winning, more-so she was lapping everyone who was sitting at home on the couch. I have a lot of respect for anyone like that. 

I have total respect for those who struggle but show a passion to succeed. It is easy to spot them, they are the ones who get upset, but with each frustration is born a new determination to give it their all. These are the people that you should look up to. These are the people that have the real guts and get up and go that so many lack. 

If something comes easy then it may be enjoyable, but the challenge isn’t there. Everything I have ever worked for has come with blood, sweat and tears. Those are the currency of pride and passion. I am not the best in anything I have done, but I am always becoming better at it than I was before - that’s where the benchmark of results lies. 

The sky isn’t the limit - you’re own self belief is...

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

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