Not here, not gone either...

I love Halloween. Everything about it is full of curiosity and wonder. Not just the gimmick of scary movies or kids as they dress up as witches, ghouls or monsters to go trick or treating. Not just watching scary movies. Not just the pumpkin carving with artistic creations adorning doorsteps across the land twinkling in the crisp autumn night. 

From the Gaelic origins of Samhain (Summers End) where people gathered to celebrate the end of the harvest season and welcome the start of the dark season of winter. To when early Christians celebrated All Hallows’ Eve/All Saints Eve, the time in the year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithful departed. This then makes me think of how on the evening of 31st October people gather together to celebrate the 'Day of the dead' or 'Dia de Los Muertos' as it was originally known where marigolds, mysticism and memories combined with food and drink entice the souls of the departed to join the party. 

The common factor is the celebration of things past, and being thankful. Wether it be the past harvest or the souls of those who have passed. It’s about a celebration of life. The life the harvest brings and the lives of those we hold dear.

For me it’s about the celebration. Life is a celebration, if you don’t celebrate in life you’re doing it wrong. Every day that you are able to get out of bed you should be humbly grateful for the ability to do so. 

So get out there, be with the people who matter to you and have a celebration. Have a feast, have a drink, have a laugh and make your heart smile. 

Remember Halloween is not all about perceived Satanic rituals or evil. Its about celebrating life and knowing that just because someone isn't here, they haven't gone away. Nobody will ever go away from your heart if you don't want them too. 

So here as the year comes towards the end and the new year looms, we pause in our daily rounds to remember those who have been parted from us, but who are never gone. Light a candle to a blessed memory, lift a cup in parting to meet again, and remember those you have loved in this lifetime wait to love you again on the otherside. 

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter
