Happy Damn Friday - Blue Skies...

There's always blue skies... Sometimes you just have to look.  Sometimes it's easy to just bury our heads and feel demoralised, but believe me when I say that it won't make it better. It won't make it change. It won't make you happy. There are good times, good things, and good people out there. Things might not go the way you want them to at times, but it's all part of the journey. It's all part of finding the blue skies. It's all part of finding just how important you are to everything and everyone you encounter along the way - including yourself!

There is a whole world out there just waiting for you to show it how to really kick ass on the awesome steaks. 

By design you will always be stronger than what you create/encounter. You are stronger than you think and deal with more than you realise. When you believe this to be true then the blue skies are even closer...

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x
