
On the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month we will remember them...

A very poignant phrase that makes us all think of the price paid by many to ensure the freedom of nations. It should not be looked at that they have made the ultimate sacrifice, but instead the fact that so many have paid the ultimate price. 

I am not grateful for war or conflict - I never will be. However, I do have unending gratitude for the fact that many young men and woman have stared death in the face, have lived and served in fear, and have fought so courageously. It is a lifelong hope of mine that the loss of so many lives will act as a lesson. A lesson that the ravages of conflict can be forever etched in our memories, and it lasts forever more. 

Please take a moment today to think of those who have fallen. Not just those who never returned, but also the families and generations left behind trying to piece together lives that will never fill the void. 

When you wake tomorrow, be thankful and remember. It shouldn't just be limited to the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. Be thankful every day, and remember those who have gone before us. 

The sun will rise in the morning, and we shall remember them...

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! X

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