I'm gonna DJ at the end of the world...

Hands up who listened to music today? Ok, now how many of us listened to our favourite band/artist today? For me today it was Metallica - Ride the Lightning.

I can't imagine a life without music. I honestly can't. I listen to music every single day in some format or other. For me it is about immersing myself in the story of the lyric. Taking myself to a place where I am living the words because I can somehow relate them to my life or they remind me of something or someone. 

I have a pretty large music collection. Last count was around 1600 albums, covering many different genres and many different era's. Everything from Metal to Electronic to Classical, from Depeche Mode to Lissie to Motörhead. 

It's no secret that my favourite bands are Metallica and R.E.M. Mainly because I can completely lose myself listening to either. Because they make me forget and remember everything all at once. I have many memories of times in my life when I can recall certain tracks to. 

With the right music you will either forget everything or remember everything. 

I love sharing music, especially when I hear something that resonates with me. It is almost an instinct that I want to pass on the music, pass on the story. Believe me when I say that when someone asks you to listen to a song, it is because the lyrics mean everything they are trying to say. 

It's simple, where there is music there is life. 

I'm gonna DJ at the end of the world...

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter


