Bucket lists - you know it makes sense...

I am currently sat in McCarron Airport in Las Vegas, at the end of another adventure. This week I have been very fortunate in that I have got to go to Las Vegas. Nothing unusual about that I guess, but for me it was special. I got to check something off my bucket list. That’s what makes it cool for me. 

Not only did I get to check something off, I actually got to experience something so much bigger. I got to take a helicopter trip into the Grand Canyon. This is something that I will hold with me for the rest of my life. The feeling of complete awe of nature as the helicopter first dropped into the Canyon was just amazing. 

It is so clear why this is a wonder of the world. It is proof that the world is more beautiful than many of us will ever realise, or give it credit for. And I got to experience this! 

I cannot begin to express how beautiful it is. To paint a picture with words, the closest thing I can say is to imagine the rock is a million layers of ribbons that are placed one on top of the other. The way the sun catches the sides of the ravines paints a new picture with every time you turn your head. 

I guess the point I’m making is you got to have adventures. You don’t have to go around the world, you’d be surprised how many adventures you can have in your own country. For me, this was one of the bigger ones. I got to come here with my wife and two of our friends. We got to do different stuff, but we all had adventures each day. 

Life is about adventures. Whether it be visiting the Grand Canyon, or exploring somewhere closer to home. Get out there and do whatever your budget allows. You will find the time - set your mind to it and you will always find the time. 

So, who’s ready for adventures...?

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter

