In chaos we strive for order. This is a simple rule of existence. It’s unwritten, but written into our DNA. This is what makes us human. The thing is it happens in nature too, with all strains of life; animal, plant and mineral. It’s the race for existence, only we see it as the human race. The race of humanity in the humbling existence of each day.
There will be times in life when we are feeling the pressure of what we are, where we are and sometimes even who we are. This week I’ve had a couple of those days. But it’s cool, because I have dealt with it by keeping myself grounded by remaining calm, something that has taken years of practice and I’m still finding new ways of perfecting it.
Whilst it may be mentally and physically draining in that short period of time, it is only a temporary thing. This is the key to focusing on being able to deal with any given day. There are only ever 24hrs before it has gone, and you can’t change it. You can only change the future.
The thing is if you let it engulf you, then you will drown in what you are creating. Whether you created the situation or not, getting stressed is creating the tsunami that could and will pull you under.
So, if you find yourself “having one of those days”, step back from where you are - either physically, or mentally. Take yourself outdoors and look up. Because when you look up you see clouds floating by, and I can guarantee there be a calming effect that slowly starts to wash over you.
Never underestimate the ability to letting yourself be free - even if only for a brief moment while you strive for order in the chaos.
It’s hard to see clouds when you’re six feet underground...
Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x
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