Ok, so this week I have been diagnosed as having Fibromyalgia. It’s no biggie, it’s basically a conclusion of how I have been feeling over the last couple of years. Why I’ve have pain, fatigue, frustration and I guess wondering why I sometimes make “old man noises” even though I’m still only 23 (in my head). Holy crap - Fibromyalgia is old age!!!
I think most of us are fairly in tune with our bodies. We all know when something hurts and we all know when something feels good. What I’ve found is the “something hurts” stage is pretty much every day. It’s ok, I know as we get older we all get the odd ‘creak’, I’ve always though of it as a sign of our bodies letting us know we’ve been ‘through the wars’ over the years. I’ve certainly fallen on my arse my fair share of times. But for me it’s more a sign of going into life head on (and falling on my arse more than just occasionally).
In comparison to what family and friends have faced up to in the last year or so this is a doddle, I have seen those I love and hold dear face bereavement, cancer and diabetes to name but a few. Me, I’m lucky to have something ‘easy’.
Does this actually change anything? No. Not really - actually not at all. I’m still me, I’m still Raymond; the bloke that writes Happy Damn Friday. Hey, maybe I should be Mr Happy Damn Friday?
I may creak more, I may be in pain but you won’t know because I don’t feel the need to show it. I do however know that even when I’m having a ‘bad day’ there are millions who would strive to have a day as good.
Life is what you make it. If you let it take you over then you lose. Instead you should make yourself take over life. Everyone has their own struggle, everyone has their own story. None of us have it that bad that we can’t be thankful for being able to see a sunrise.
So get out there, life life every day - and never be afraid to fall on your arse! (It doesn’t hurt for long and it gives everyone something to laugh about).
Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x
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