In like a Lion, out like a Lamb...

As we are in the throws of winter, we now are welcoming March with open arms. The month that comes ‘In like a Lion, and out like a Lamb’. 

This is the month that brings the first colours of spring and the days, just like the weather are starting to turn. Ironically as I write this, with the starting of the  second day of March, in the United Kingdom we are being hit with severe snow storms. 

The whole emphasis of the ‘In like a Lion, and out like a Lamb’ resonates with me. It makes me think about how we progress through life. Ok, so maybe in life we start like a lamb, grow strong like the lion, and then ebb out our later years growing old peacefully and returning to the lamb. We all have the potential to grow strong. Whether it be the motivation to succeed at something personal or professional, or by overcoming odds which may be stacked unfavourably against us. I have seen first hand the fragility of life, and how people who once young and strong are now succumbing to age. 

To me the journey of Lamb, Lion, Lamb is inevitable. It is perfectly ok to progress all three stages, be blessed that you have a life long enough to do so. The most important thing is that you will always remember the strength you have as a lion. But more so, as we get older we can carry ourselves with the pride of a lion in how we conduct ourselves. Strength may slowly dissipate, but pride lasts forever. 

Be proud of who you are, by making your actions and your demeanour something that makes you proud. If you’re proud, then the rest of the world will follow suit. 

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

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@happydamnfriday on Twitter
