This week I have spent the week in Cyprus on vacation. For those that have never been it is a beautiful country, with a vast rugged landscape and beaches that are glazed with crystal clear waters which shimmer delicately in the hot mid day sun.
It’s times like these I especially take in all that is around me. So far I have been to the Adonis waterfalls, which were smaller than expected and surprisingly as cold as the Irish Sea I grew up with. Close by there is the Aphrodite Baths, which mythology state regenerate youthfulness and the beauty it brings.
Having frozen my bits off in the waterfalls of Adonis, I also splashed myself with the refreshing waters of Aphrodite. Do I look any younger or even close to beautiful? No, not really. But what it reminded me is that youth and beauty comes from within. How many times have you heard someone say they may be 45 but they feel 25 inside (a firm favourite of mine - even if I’ve just given away my age). But it’s true, nobody needs to feel as old as they physically are, at the same time we should be responsible enough with our age. However, just because I’m 45 it doesn’t mean I can’t feel younger. I have a youthful outlook on life, and continue to have a zest for life. I know plenty of other people my age who are mentally much older than they are.
The mind can be kept young by your approach to life and how you live it. It doesn’t need the magical elixir of Aphrodite’s bathing spot to get it either.
Life for every day, never feel too old for anything. Never let anyone tell you that you’re too old either. Once you start to grasp this, then you can grab life by the horns and go for it. One of the discussions around the pool yesterday came back with the same recurring thought “you’re a long time dead”. This is very true, but more important is “we only have a short time on this planet”, which can equate to any age. But whatever age your expiry date comes at, what better way to face it that to have known you have lived a life that’s full of adventures. Full of memories and full of doing whatever it is that makes you happy.
Sunsets come around every single day. Don’t let your last one be on he wish you’d done more during your time here.
Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x
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