How many of us live in the town where we grew up? The same familiar streets that our older siblings walked before us, and our parents before them.
I am sure all of us remember the point when we ‘moved out’. The becoming a proper grown up, and having the best stocked biscuit barrel you can imagine; no more digestives, not even custard creams (even though I still love them). The big step towards the rest of our lives. Some of us may have even moved away - new streets and new faces. New places for adventures.
Yesterday in the United Kingdom thousands of teenagers received their A-Level results. The potential gateway to future careers and plans of university and beyond. The ‘moving away’ before the ‘moving out’. There will have been many elated with their grades, and others who didn’t get quite what they’d hoped for. The thing is, exam results never stopped anyone who wanted to succeed. The desire to get ahead can come to fruition in any manifestation, it can be an apprenticeship or even going back to college as an adult. Nothing can stop you from being all you want to be - you just have to want it. I didn’t get very good exam results, but I was one of those that went back and tried again. It awakened a thirst for knowledge. Be interested in all you do - if you aren’t, you’re wasting your time.
So if you got your results and they weren’t quite what you needed don’t make any rash decisions. In the heat of the moment, don’t let your mind get left out in the cold. Feed it and let it grow.
I guess what I’m saying is don’t ever be limited by where you are from, or whatever your exam results. Don’t ever be afraid of ‘the big bad world’. If you are young and ready to ‘move out’ be excited about the nervousness of finding your own way. If you’re ‘moving away’ be ready to explore, to find new streets to walk and lay the routes of walks for generations to come.
When you look back at where you are and where you’ve come from, either physically or mentally, know that to someone else it’s not the best place, but for you it’s special because there are diamonds in the mud.
There may be diamonds in the mud, but more importantly there are custard creams in the biscuit barrel.
Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x
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