I am me...

I am me...

I can honestly say that after 45yrs practice I am the best qualified person in the world at being me.

I am more than some will ever give me credit for, yet less than I regularly give myself credit for. Self criticism is inherently addictive. 

I listen more than others know, but speak less than I need to. My voice is soft, because I do not need to raise it to be heard. Well, not by those who want to listen. Raising my voice will never make my words heard; words should be heard - not people. My silence should be a concern, never a sign of weakness. 

I am not my tears, they are a product of my emotion. They will come, but they will dry. I wear my heart on my sleeve, and I have always been proud to do so. 

I believe in kindness, and selflessness. But see those who are selfish as nothing. Selfishness will achieve nothing, yet engulf everything. 

I love heavy metal, but classical or country have their place too. When I listen to music I listen to the story in the lyrics, the music comes after. 

I believe in everyone, disbelief comes with how they conduct themselves. I respect those who should, and quietly dismiss those who shouldn’t. 

I have slowly become the person I should have a very long time ago. I have the scars to prove it too. 

I am anything but selfish, even though every line here starts with “I”. I put others first at every turn, always have and frustratingly at times always will. 

I was born an individual, and I am damned if I will die a copy. 

Look at all of these statements, then re-read them whilst looking in the mirror. Be empowered to be you. 

Be you for you!

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter


