One good deed deserves another. Most of us will have heard that many times in our lives, and especially when younger. Growing up I always thought of it as ‘do something good for someone and someone will do something good for you’.
Now I see it slightly differently. Now I see it as do one good thing, and the good feeling I get inside makes me want to do another, and another. I am pretty confident when I say it is a great feeling being able to help someone, and I’m sure most of you will agree. Especially for nothing in return.
Yesterday I had a prime example of this. I pulled up at a fuel station and noticed an elderly lady trying, and failing, to open the fuel cap on her car. I asked her if I could assist her, and it took seconds for me to do it and only slightly longer to put the fuel into her car also. Something small, even trivial you might think. But the thing is, on that busy forecourt there were several other people just watching her struggle. Why? I don’t get it.
I am a firm believer in trying to help anyone who may need it, and without patronising. Some people can be fiercely independent, especially as they get into their advanced years. But approaching the situation with a friendly demeanour and a genuine willingness to help is key to making it just that little bit easier for whoever it is.
It’s simple, it is a basic rule of life that we should always be there for others. Never watch anyone struggle. If they are physically able - teach. If they aren’t, then physically help. Either way it is helping.
If you get, give
If you learn, teach
If you can help, do it!
Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x
I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:
@happydamnfriday on Twitter
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