Music for the masses...

For anyone who reads Happy Damn Friday regularly, you will know that music plays a huge part of my life. It’s something I can share and something I can lose myself in when alone - or even in a stadium surrounded by thousands of others. 

In my house we are slowly building a wall of music memorabilia. Signed show posters, sheet music of favourite songs. I also have the ticket stubs kept from my musical journey so far. They are all small reminders of shows that have been fantastic. A snapshot in time when music transported an audience somewhere magical. 

You can be anywhere in the world and see any artist perform, and it will imprint something special in you. I urge everyone reading this to experience live music. Only when you hear an artist perform live will you truly hear them give their all and pour their soul in every note and lyric - or at least they should do. I have been to concerts where I have had goosebumps listening to some of my favourite songs. The first time I heard R.E.M perform ‘Everybody Hurts’ was at Slane Castle near Dublin. I was surrounded by over 100,000 other fans and it really blew me away because of the story and emotion behind it. Even though it was 1995 I can still picture it clearly as I write these words. The same goes for every time I see Metallica perform live, Stiff Little Fingers too. Bands I have been listening to for more than three quarters of my life - my first ever gig was Metallica way back on 1st October 1988. Yet when I get a chance to see James Hetfield or Jake Burns in front of a mic I still get a real buzz out of it. I get lifted by a euphoria, and I am unashamed to admit I sing along to every song.  I am beaming with happiness with every (ever so slightly) out of tune backing vocal I share with my musical heroes. 

It doesn’t have to be in a huge stadium, intimate acoustic gigs are something special too. My favourite to date has been seeing Lissie perform in Portsmouth with an acoustic guitar and a voice with so much soul. 

Let every beat of the music you listen to match the beat of your heart. Let it in and let it give you rhythm in your life. Good lyrics tell a story, good music makes you move. Together they should stir you. That’s my equation on how I listen, how I go on the journey the music takes me. I love every last note... 

Jeans on, band tshirt on, rock n roll shoes and always ready to rock n roll. 

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter
