Nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide?

There are times in life when we experience the worst of society when it manifests as a bully. 

There are different types, whether it be physical, mental or emotional. In person or cyber. This is something that I guess is more on people’s minds when their kids are at school. Well for adults maybe. For young people it can become every time they go to school or outside. Crippled with fear of what could or can happen. 

Last night I heard of a boy who was verbally bullying a group of girls. Then dragged by association others to bolster his stance like a peacock fluffing his tail. But in reality trying to get others to jump on his deranged game. What happened next? He, like the coward you would expect, run away while his band of merry men were confronted. None of this is acceptable; the bully, his recruitment into his twisted game, or the outcome of the confrontation after. And all this because one twisted little coward wanted to become a kingpin figure to his gullible peers. 

Or perhaps it manifests itself in the workplace. Either from colleagues singling out an individual and berating or belittling them. Where inclusivity becomes long forgotten and the laugh at another’s misfortune or misery becomes the currency of the perpetrator. Worse still is when it comes from a person who holds a responsible post. A boss who singles out and targets someone who won’t stand up for themselves for fear of job security. 

I have experienced both. In high school I experienced bullying by a kid who wanted to portray and image of toughness to others. Over a year of my life I endured this. Later in life I put up with it in a job, but only because I desperately needed the income to provide for my children. 

The funny thing is, when I grew up I bumped into the school bully. He couldn’t have been nicer as he tried to kiss my ass. Not sure if it had anything to do with him meeting me as I was coming out of a karate competition, but he couldn’t have been more of a coward. 

As for work, the same individual continued to pick on others after I left. Possibly still doing the same now. But having your older brother as the managing director gave him an elevated sense of self worth and self importance. He still to this day falls into the category of “some people are born assholes, others just try really hard!”.

Sadly bullies are all around. But it is how we deal with them that can make or break a time in our lives. For me now I see what I should have done. I am quiet and I refuse to give people like that a reaction. Perhaps they saw it a sign of weakness, but why should I fuel their twisted little ego. 

If you find yourself on the receiving end of behaviour like this, please just walk away. The more you ignore it the quicker they will become bored. 

Nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide? Not me peeps, I don’t need to - and neither does anyone. 

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

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