So this is Christmas...

As we get older it seems to be that every year flies by quicker and quicker. It really seems like only a few short weeks ago we were here before in the preparations for the holidays last year. 

This I guess reiterates the saying “Time waits for no man”.

It is also a time of year when for me personally it is a time to reflect on those who have less than us. In some cases those who have nothing at all. Whether it be someone living in poverty in our own country, or someone who finds themselves homeless. It also applies to the plight of those who are struggling to survive in war torn countries and refugees who are simply trying to escape to a life without fear. The one Christmas song that rings true of this is John Lennon - Happy Xmas (War is over). The chorus just resonates with me:

A very Merry Xmas

And a happy New Year

Let's hope it's a good one

Without any fear

Each year the homeless charity in the U.K. ‘Crisis’ hosts an opportunity for people to donate to provide safe accommodation for a night for someone living on the streets at Christmas. The opportunity to be warm, have a bed to sleep in and food in their bellies without being exposed to the elements and the dangers of what lurks under the cover of darkness whilst they are vulnerable and the rest of us celebrate good times with friends and family. 

I guess what I am trying to say is we all have a responsibility to help someone who is in a position of real need. We are morally obligated to help our fellow man. Sadly, we are not all programmed this way. Too often we do nothing. Ok, so I am not saying we should give money to every charity we encounter and donate to every worthy cause, but instead we should all do something - do one thing. Make the difference. Help try put an end to someone’s misery and put them one step closer to happiness. 

Right now you can donate £28.18 to Crisis to help someone get off the streets. Think about it, just £28.18 once a year is something everyone reading this can afford. It is the equivalent of £0.07 per day to give someone a little light at the end of the tunnel. Yes I am passionate about this, because I am human and I humane. I see people sleeping rough and I can only imagine how their lives have taken a twist in the road to get to there. 

We owe it to our fellow man to help end this imbalance of standing back and doing nothing. We owe it to those around us to try and make a difference in all we do. We owe it to ourselves to not be the kind of person that walks on by, at Christmas, at any time. 

Don’t be at war with your consciousness, we have a conscience for a reason. 

War is over

If you want it...

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter
