As we rapidly approach the New Year, with 2018 soon to be a memory. We often find ourselves in the position where we search out what we want to achieve in the coming 12 months.
Whilst we look forward, I like many also reflect on the year that has been. For me this year brought a lot. A change of career, which come with many challenges but the challenges are what makes it rewarding. More so than this it brought adventures; I spent an adrenaline fuelled 60 seconds on the biggest zip-line in Europe flying high over a quarry in North Wales. From 500 feet in the air, reaching speeds of 120mph for one mile. A buzz that was worth the 5hr drive there and the same back again. Then a short time later I completed a parachute jump from 8000ft, a sense of achievement that carries the echo of a legendary Billy Connelly tale about “jumping out of a perfectly good airplane”. These are just a couple of my adventures in 2018.
I have had many, many smiles this year. Happy times I have spent time with friends and in one way or another I have been in touch with many more. I’ve had the joy of attending the wedding of special friends, and the sadness of attending the funeral of a very special young lady taken too soon. Leaving behind her loving mother, step-dad and family too. My dear friends for whom life will never quite be the same again.
I have seen my kids grow, of which I am extremely proud.
This time of the year really does bring reflection, and a sense of humility because of the very fact that I am here to be able to write this and know that wherever you are in the world reading these words, that you have made a connection through Happy Damn Friday.
So what have I got in store for 2019? To be honest, I really don’t know. All I am sure of is there will be more adventures, and more smiles too. I also know that one thing for sure is that I am going to continue to share my thoughts with you each week and let you have the inner ramblings of my mind and inside my heart posted each Friday.
I am very fortunate that I have people very close to my heart read this, and share it too.
So whatever you find yourself doing going into 2019, know that there are people around you that will be looking up to you because you make a difference to them. It’s be because you inspire, encourage, and empathise. It can even be because of the simplest act of making someone smile. A smile that radiates warmth at a time when it may be so desperately needed.
Most of all I want you to know that no one is truly alone. Never be afraid to talk about how you feel. Good, bad or indifferent, talking can be one of the most therapeutic things you can ever do. It doesn’t matter what is happening in your life, you have someone to reach out to. Even if it’s just a message to me on the contact details below, just know that there will be someone there.
If you happen to find yourself at home on New Year’s Eve, follow a tradition my father has done for many years. As the clocks strike midnight open your front door to let the old year out, and the new year in.
Let happiness in, let adventures in, let love in, let the world in because it’s yours. It always has been and now it’s time for you to make every minute of every hour count.
Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x
I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:
@happydamnfriday on Twitter
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