Take note, turn the page...

How often do we read through something without properly reading it? The sort of cursory glancing where the eyes flit, but the mind doesn’t engage?

I think that we are all guilty, and yet victims of this. Perhaps it’s because we have an overload of the senses from the moment we wake til we put our phones aside and go to sleep. 

For me, when I write Happy Damn Friday it’s because I am passionate about what this stands for. I don’t want anyone to fleetingly glance at these words, I want everyone who reads them to read them with a want to pick up on the message that is unfurling before them. 

I am passionate about the fact that I write these words with my heart on my sleeve and integrity in every post. This is something that I have learnt to do, in all I do. It’s not easy at times, but be honest to yourself and you will find you will unlock the ability to surpass any fear. When you let go of fear that’s when the magic starts to happen.

I love being able to write these words every week for however many people read them. For me it is this wonderful outlet of my thoughts, my musings, my rants, and my innermost feelings. I write from my heart, every word you read now or in any Happy Damn Friday post is from me. More importantly it is me. 

To do this I write the blog normally in one go from start to finish. I find that this way I get the purest form of what I am feeling transcribed into my words. I get ideas for HappyDamnFriday all the time. Mostly I forget them - oh so many times I have forgotten them. But that’s ok, they’ll find their way back again. Occasionally I stop and make a note on my phone, quite often these get deleted. Those times when I write in one go are the weeks that are me stripped back to my soul. That’s what’s important for me to share.

Writing is my inner truth. It’s best when it’s straight from the mind to the page - albeit electronic in this case.

I find this is the most honest way any of us can express ourselves. The ability to scribe any and every emotion will set us aside, with the honesty and vulnerability of the heart and the soul. Tell your story without fear of who will read it. If you are honest to yourself you become unafraid, then you already have a best seller to anyone who is ready to turn the page. You will become intriguing to the world if you let your story be told without exception. 

Never sensor your emotions, let your words tell your story. Let your soul flow outward with every character that dances it’s way across the page, into the words and the story that your soul yearns to tell. Let your words be the very essence of you. 

I didn’t come this far
To only come this far...

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter

