Being Successful...

In life we are conditioned from an early age to be successful. To be the best there is in whatever walk of life we find ourselves.

Success isn’t always about winning. 

Nor is it about having the best job, the best car, biggest house or even lots of money. Success is about happiness, for to be truly happy is something you cannot buy and you cannot fake. In effect it is priceless.

Success is also about satisfaction. We all know the importance of job satisfaction in our careers, but how many of us actually have it? I put this to the test with some guys at work. I asked them to give me three things they would change if they could - but I threw them a curve ball by making one stipulation: it can’t involve money. Why did I do this? It’s easy, if everyone suddenly got a large pay rise they would be instantly gratified with their first pay packet, their second would be equally rewarding. However, by the time their third, fourth or fifth came round the gratification has faded and all the detractors they previously experienced would be re-emerging and you end up back at the start only with paying out more. Same goes for life, we can buy or be bought stuff to give instant gratification, but it’s only temporary. This is something I strongly believe in. Yes I like to treat myself now and again, but I am acutely aware that it isn’t the norm. If I don’t get something materialistic it doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. All that will happen will be you spend money faster than you can earn it trying to find happiness. All along under the misguided belief that you will get there one day. That really is the road to nowhere. 

However, if I don’t get to be happy then that’s a problem. This is something you should think about as you look at your life and how you set out what you want. Don’t be sullen and believe the world owes you something. Be you and go after what makes you happy. Success is about trying, success is about getting there. Success is about getting to be happy. 

Success is about being you, for you - no matter what. 

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter
