Borrowed Voices...

One thing I’ve noticed in the last few weeks in the land of social media is the urge for people to quash the voices of others. It’s not something that’s new, and not even just limited to the world of social media. But I guess because we live in an evermore digital age, some individuals or even factions use it to try and belittle or rubbish those around them. 

At the same time it is incredibly important to hear the sound of your own voice. It’s great believing in something or someone, but it should never be at the expense of you. 

Don’t be afraid to not conform to the perceptions of others, regardless of how they may try and pressure. Peer pressure is often at the total expense of who becomes manipulated to be what they think others want. What do you want? That’s what’s important, actually it’s more than import it’s absolutely critical. 

Never give up on what you want. If you do, you are giving up on life. Might sound a bit over the top, but if you think about key events through history a hell of a lot of them were triggered by the appetite and desire of want. Not necessarily materialistic, but what you long for. Stand up tall and shout out loud for it. Make your voice heard and bring about the realisation of your dreams. Don’t be silenced, not now not ever. Don’t speak in a borrowed voice either. 

When you surrender your voice you surrender your soul. To try and live your life through others is merely cheating yourself and stopping every possible opportunity you have to flourish and to grow and be all you can be. 

If you spend your whole life being someone else, who’s going to be you?

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

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