The Memory Remains...

This week my youngest son turns 12yrs of age. Also this week he wrote a poem for a homework assignment, nothing overly uncommon about that, but the thing is he wrote it about me. 

To say I was blown away by the simple words of a child, my child, would be an understatement. 

I am becoming my father,

A tall, kind man,

Who always draws laughter.

Sometimes he grows chilli,

To put in a curry.

And whenever he does,

It’s always super yummy. 

My dad can fix anything,

Without any commotion. 

And in the big category,

It includes broken emotions. 

I am becoming my father,

A tall, kind man,

Who always draws laughter.

By Kai Torin Montgomery

(aged almost 12)

I know my son loves me, there is no denying it. And likewise with the love I have for him, but when I read these words for the first time it brought a tear to my eye out of sheer pride. Pride and complete and utter love. The section where he writes about my ability, in his eyes, to fix any emotion is simply humbling. 

The simplest acts of compassion and being tactile can bring an unbreakable bond. 

The thing is, for those of us who have someone to love and who loves us back, it gives us something that is unbelievably special, it gives us immortality. I’m not saying I’m going to be here in 100yrs time, but I know that my son will tell his children about me and in turn they will tell their kids about my son. With this we all get to live on. 

For those of who do not have children of your own, you can all live on in the memories of others. For generations to come we all have the potential to be talked of and reminisced fondly; with laughter, with tears, but remembered by those whose lives we touched. Those whose hearts we warmed and those whose smiles we generated. The hugs we give and the laughter we fuel. 

Doesn’t matter if I die tomorrow, I’m gonna live forever...

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter
