Balancing and balanced...

Getting the balance right in life is of the upmost importance. It can also be incredibly difficult to do. It counts in everything you do and every experience you encounter. It is key to being able to get the most out of every experience but also the most out of yourself. 

But to be able to do all this and more needs you to be balanced. Not just grounded so you can remain calm in any situation, but as part of your wellbeing. It’s no secret when we burn the candle at both ends it can wipe us out for a day or two after, but it is also the same when we carry around toxicity in our minds and in our bodies. I’m not saying we all need to only drink filtered spring water and eat celery sticks - what I mean is we need to be careful what we put in our minds as well as our bodies. We all know that if you eat crap, then you feel crap. Same goes for our mental health, if you carry negativity it will grind you down. It will drain you of every last ounce of energy. 

So in order to keep my body balanced, last night I went to my osteopath for the second of a run of treatments. I know my body pretty well after years of random aches and injuries. Having fibromyalgia has kind of heightened that, because I am aware that there are some days when I feel fatigued and pain more than normal. Going to the osteopath ensures that my body is fully aligned. Never underestimate the value of getting this done. Even if you feel ok, I can not recommend it highly enough. You can be slightly out of alignment and be in pain without realising it and you can be draining your energy without realising it either. 

We all owe it to ourselves to find our balance and maintain it. Think of it in the same way you get your car serviced, this is merely ensuring we keep ourselves running in the best possible way we can. 

It’s a balancing act, but once you get the hang of it then you can take on life with the confidence of a tightrope walker - always looking forward and keeping going, even if you do have the odd wobble along the way. 

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter
