Take 10...

If you had £86,400 and someone stole £10.00 from you, would you throw away the £86,390 you still have to try and get your £10 back? Or would you just let it go?

I’m not saying you should forget it if someone takes from you, but sometimes losing a small amount is a valuable lesson on what you have left. It’s also a great reminder 

Another way to look at it is you, just like everyone reading this, have 86,400 seconds every single day and this time is much more valuable than money. You can always work for more money, but once a second passes you can never get it back. 

Does that strike a chord? It should do. 

Every time someone upsets us, it probably only takes 10 seconds, so why do we throw away the other 86,390 seconds that day worrying about it or being upset. Worse still carrying it forward to the next day, and the one(s) after that. 

We all make this mistake, so I want you to take a moment - this one won’t be wasted, it’s an investment. Take a moment and it is time to start letting the little things go. You know, the trivial things that just waste mental seconds or emotional seconds with no positive return. I know it can be easier said than done, but please believe me that letting go of the stuff that pails into insignificance is one of the most important things you can ever do. Same goes for letting go of people or things that just eat up time. 

Time spent on anything, with anyone or for anyone should be because you want to. That in itself is your reward. It’s much better and much more valuable than £10, or even £86,400. You cannot buy that level of reward. That level of satisfaction that comes from within is the greatest reward of all. 

Here’s to the next 86,000 seconds, and every single one after that...

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter


