Take me to your leader...

Take me to your leader earthling... A phrase synonymous with movies of UFO’s and alien invasion. The very concept that a superior intelligent life force will come to earth and want to bypass mere mortals to only engage with ‘our leader’. 

Can you imagine if we were invaded now? What would they make of our leaders? They have probably seen them and decided “nope, not for us” and stayed millions of light years away. 

Joking aside, the concept of humans being the superior being is something contrived by the human race. Why do humans assume hierarchical existence over every other species on earth, yet we are one of the youngest species, and sadly the most destructive of any to ever inhabit the planet. 

Have you ever thought for a second that ants could have the very same mental capacity? What about a pod of dolphins, or a troop of chimpanzees? All superior intelligence, and when you happen across any form of reality tv, the animal kingdom has the intelligence piece won hands down. 

I guess what I’m trying to say is the self perpetuity that we are better than anyone, or anything else is the most destructive mindset that can ever manifest. If you look back, history is littered with people who thought just that - to the demise of others.  Sometimes in genocidal proportions. Even with the animal kingdom we have decimated certain species beyond recovery and somehow some don’t see it as wrong. 

Whether you like it or not, you and all the ants and the dolphins and the chimpanzees, and everything in between are all equal. We are all on the same planet, all trying to survive. None more important than the other, and each species seeing themselves as either a threat or the threatened. Yet it is simple, by default we are all earthlings. 

So now you have that in mind, please ponder this:

What on earth isn’t an earthling...

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

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