As we go through life we will undoubtedly encounter people who through their own insecurities, small mindedness or jealousy will be out to leave us high and dry.
The gossiping or the accusation of controlling others is more to be pitied than laughed at. For some, if they see others radiate towards you they will try to detract from successful friendships or relationships you have forged, for no other reason than they themselves are incapable of doing the same. I have seen it first hand where people who are no longer afraid to be themselves have been frowned upon because their former stifled personality fits better into the comfort zone of others, but when they have the freedom to be all they can it is uncomfortable and intimidating for those who would put them down. Sadly never to their face.
If you find yourself in a situation like this, whether it be personal or professional, your integrity is key. Never enter into the mind games of others, and never drop to a level lower than you find acceptable of yourself or those you hold in the highest of regard. Your behaviour should only ever be your honest self. Your diplomacy and your honesty is what sets you aside. When you have that in your corner you have the world behind you, because you are being you for you - not to make anyone else keep you stuck in their comfort zone.
I suppose for me as I get older I have learnt to accept some people for who they are. This doesn’t mean I hold them in regard, I merely know the limitations there will be with any interaction. I don’t mind this because it’s because I am not going to live my life coned off like a set of roadworks. Nobody should have to put up mental traffic cones just to appease others.
Never try to win an argument with a fool, they will only drag you down to their level and beat you with experience...
If all else fails, keep true to yourself and repeat after me “Oh well, whatever, never mind...”
Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x
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