Bumble Bee in a Tin Can

Ever just get stressed ‘just because’? 

Occasionally we encounter people who will be the human equivalent of a bumble bee in a tin can; making a lot of noise and getting agitated whilst all the time agitating those around them. Like a wind-up toy that’s been over wound. These people never find peace or calm because they simply don’t find their behaviour as anything other than ordinary. You know the sort of person who doesn’t listen, purely because they’re thinking of what they are going to say next. 

These people will drain you - mentally, emotionally and at the same time taking your creative thought process too. These people are the reason it’s important to recognise when you need to simply step back and let them blow past in their ‘Tasmanian Devil’ type tornado of stress. 

Sometimes we just have to let things go over our heads. Not in a way that we don’t understand, but more so by not engaging in a certain situation, or with a certain person, as we are only going to frustrate ourselves by trying to make reason with what is going on. 

Don’t get me wrong, I often have a busy mind. I am constantly thinking about what I am doing with regards any given task at hand. I have an inbuilt desire to work stuff out. Sometimes I have to consciously take time out to slow down so I don’t overthink and miss something. 

Over the years I have developed a way of being able to step back mentally and then best position myself to re-engage. This has an extremely beneficial effect in that it is instantly calming. Simply stop, just for the briefest of moments and think of the end goal, you’ll be surprised how quickly it helps you regroup your thoughts or give you the clarity to know you’ve gone as far as you need to. Note how I didn’t say as far as you can, we have the capacity to go on for eternity - but only when we have the passion to do so. 

Only when we are calm of thought, can we see and think clearly...

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter


