Be optimistic. Do it. Be optimistic in every approach to everything you do in life. When you look at a task with the thought of the best possible outcome, you are already more than halfway there.
I am a pretty positive person, I look for the best in everyone and everything. Why? For me it’s because I feel that there is good in everything. Some situations may not seem like it at the time, but when I’m faced with that I simply look for the best within myself.
Be recognised as someone who stands out because you simply radiate optimism. Optimism is infectious, the more you carry yourself with a sense of optimism, the more those around you will start to mimic this and before you know it it’s catching on. An epidemic of optimism would be such a wonderful thing.
There will always be people who will try bring you down to a level they sinking in, merely because they can’t see anyone get ahead. But the thing is, you don’t have to. You can be optimistic and you can see the bigger picture. You can see yourself as part of that picture because you know that you have the capability to take yourself on the journey to be there.
Think about a time when you’ve had good feedback about something you’ve done, or just how you’re perceived by others. Felt pretty good right? Take that feeling and use it as the fuel to keep your positivity burning like a passion.
Know that as long as you try you are doing something, and as long as you are doing something you are already creating magic in whatever you are doing.
Half air, half water - technically the glass is always full...
Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x
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