Be a mushroom...?

Have you ever noticed how clumps of mushrooms seem to come back to life every day. Seriously, walk along any woodland and you will see wild fungi growing, but take the same path tomorrow and they’ll be back somewhere else. 

The same can be said for our mental state, and how our resilience helps us bounce back another day for more lessons and experiences in life. 

So how do you do it? How do you know that when you wake you will manage to transcend all the negativity from the previous day and come back to life. For me it’s about being able to switch off for a moment and have my collective thoughts regroup. The ability to rebalance and know that I’m going to be ready again to take on all that comes my way. 

In order to do this, the first step is to blank your mind. To do this, it’s recommended you relax all of the muscles in your face. Then, drop your shoulders and relax your arms. Breathe out and relax your chest, and then also relax your legs, all in that sequence.

Then for the next 10 seconds, you’ll then need to clear your mind of everything. Simply imagine you're lying in a pitch-black room, surrounded by absolute nothingness. If you find it difficult to start with, try saying the words “don’t think” inwardly and over and over again.

Once you do this, count as you breath. Count to ten then start again. Over and over again. To start with aim for just 2 minutes and then build up.  When you feel comfortable with your ability, even just 2 minutes regularly will really benefit you. Honestly, it will change your life immeasurably. Yes i still find myself in stressful situations, but I know I can recover and come back from all of it. That in itself is the most powerful coping mechanism you will ever develop. The ability to diffuse stress or anxiety at every turn. 

Watch yourself, slowly at first, come back to life each and every day. The speed of your daily recovery will increase with your honesty to yourself.

If you want to be trusted, be honest. 

Some won’t like it - but that’s ok. 

Be you - the world will adjust...!

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter
