This week I heard a new word, a mnemonic that is a healthy way to deal with stuff that we have no bearing over. 

For years now I have been a firm believer in the mindset of not getting stressed over stuff of which I have no control. For me I guess it was when I took my first job in London and would drive to work each day. Coming from Northern Ireland where you can get anywhere in the country in less than 90mins, to working in London and the first three miles of my journey home would take just over an hour. An hour of London rush hour traffic. Probably no different to any other large city, but oh so alien to what I’d been used to before. The first week of this I remember clearly, it was just surprise of how long it took. The second week was frustration - at how long it took. The third week I accepted how long it took, because I suddenly realised no matter what mood I was in, I couldn’t do anything about my surroundings at that moment in time. It was then that I decided to be calm and happy as normal, because to be anything else was just draining. 

I still adopt this in my life today and every other day. Yes there is a lot of stuff I could get frustrated or angry about, but I’d rather be passionate about it (if it matters to me) but staying calm gives me the clarity to deal with it. 

The mnemonic I mentioned earlier was penned by a superb Australian comedienne Tammy-Jo Bryant. This new word? It’s “F.I.S.H.M.O”. It’s simplicity makes it all so better and once you think of it, it will become catchy; as it should. 

The meaning? That’s the best bit...

“Fuck it, shit happens - move on”. 

I appreciate there is swearing in it, but hey I don’t mind. I like the meaning. Actually, I love the meaning. It sits perfectly for me, because it’s the quickest ‘acid test’ approach anything that doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. It’s a wonderful way of releasing the triggers of stress. The important thing is to ‘move on’. Do not dwell on something you cannot change or influence. It will be the quickest way to torture you beyond what you ever thought possible. 

So when it gets to the stage where it can make or break a good day, repeat after me... F.I.S.H.M.O

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

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