Be the first you...

The most beautiful and amazing people are those who have known defeat, known struggling and known loss. And yet have found a way out of the depths of the despair that can come with it. 

I have found, and I still believe, that when we learn to overcome something it gives us a greater appreciation for life. A sensitivity and a compassion that could so easily have made it go the other way and shut us down. Don’t get me wrong, there are something you never get over, you just learn to live differently. 

Never apologise for having a sensitivity, if anything you should embrace it. It’s when you are at your most vulnerable, and yet at your most honest. Everything changes when you become honest with yourself. It will be the most empowering thing you ever do. Why? Because the acceptance onto yourself will silence your biggest critic - you. It will enable you to make the most out of everything. The most out of lie, the most out of you. 

So, as we approach the end of another year, and indeed the end of the decade, it is time to think about what we have overcome and what has made us stronger. What has made us honest to ourselves. 

Think about what makes you ‘you’. All the little things that add up to the sum total of you. No matter what kind of day you’re having you have something in you that will shine. Just be you, for you. 

Don’t be the next them, be the first you. 

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter
