No Matter How Small...

Never discredit anyone, especially a child. Don’t quash their thinking. Don’t dismiss their ideas. Don’t make them think they should have stayed quiet, or should have kept their thoughts or questions inside. 

Some, maybe even many of us will remember being told “Children should be seen and not heard”. This is one of the single most damaging things anyone could hear. What if you were excited about an idea you had only to have it completely cast aside without being given the chance to tell someone, tell the world, just how awesome it was.

Creative thinking is absolutely amazing. I love to speak with people who can be animated about their ideas, their hopes and their dreams. In my professional life I have always encouraged those I work with to come to me with a problem, but only if they come with at least one possible solution. Why? Because I want to encourage others to think through from issue to resolve. 

It doesn’t matter what walk of life you find yourself in, but I can promise you this; if you shut down your ideas you shut down your ability to grow. 

Believe in yourself, and when you do it will open so many paths because you will see the opportunities and know they are there and they are yours for the taking. 

It doesn’t matter how small you feel in the big wide world, you have the potential to be bigger than you will ever know. 

No matter how small a person is they are still a person...

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter
