“I hope I will be able to confide in you completely, as I have never been able to do before”.
These words were scribed by Anne Frank in her very first diary, a diary she started to write before she was forced into hiding. A passion for writing that kept her going through the darkest of times and has immortalised her forever. A time when she was unafraid, with perhaps the trepidation of what her own honesty could bring as she filled the pages.
That single sentence made me think. It made me contemplate the vastness of life and the huge impact those twenty simple words had on me in that very moment of reading them. Actually, it made me think that everything starts with honesty onto oneself. It’s the vulnerability of opening up to tell your story. To share your inner most thoughts and your dreams. I guess in a way I sort of do that every week with my words on here, as they come straight from my mind to the page. I share what I have inside.
It’s a bit like when a tree comes through a winter and starts to show the green shoots of new growth. They form into the new leaves that adorn the bare branches until the autumn has come and its time for them to fall to the ground and nourish the tree for the next generation. I feel that is same for our words, they are new to whoever reads or hears them, but when they are found by someone else in time, they are still new irrespective of how much time has passed and how we may have aged in the interim.
The same can be said for us as we go through life. It’s not about being afraid of where the journey goes or ends, it’s about being able to live unafraid, and to embrace the vulnerability along the way. Actually, I think - no, I believe that with the acceptance of our vulnerabilities by default it makes us stronger. It makes us more powerful than anything that we will ever have to encounter or deal with.
So, no matter where you find yourself at this very moment, whether it be physically, mentally or emotionally, walk unafraid...
Walk into the forest of life, find the tree. Pick up the leaf and let it nourish you.
Come closer and see,
See into the trees...
Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x
I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:
@happydamnfriday on Twitter
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