Next Year...

This time next year we will find ourselves in a state of recovery. Currently the world is gripped by the COVID-19 pandemic and it continues to spread across the globe. Sadly there is scientific advise being disregarded daily, and due to this ignorance the virus will continue to spread exponentially. 

Never underestimate the stupidity of ignorant people. Especially in large numbers. 

That may seem harsh, but I am finding that I now am becoming devoid of tolerance when it comes to people who believe they know better than the leading scientific minds of our nations, who are working tirelessly to curtail the progress of this virus and at the same time keep us all alive. 

So whilst we all think about what’s going on, and let’s face it with a partial/full lock down we have plenty of opportunities to think about it, we should look forwards. Look to a time in hopefully the not to distant future, where we start the recovery process to get over what we are going through. And here is the important thing, we will get beyond this. We will come out the other side. No matter what your outlook on this is, please believe me when I write these words - we will come through. 

Not only will we come through, but we will become stronger, smarter and more resilient than we ever thought possible. 


Last night I watched as various parts of the United Kingdom stood on their doorsteps to applaud those who work in the NHS, and those who work as care providers. Those who are on the front line to deal with everything that come their way - tirelessly dealing with it, patient but patient, case by case. 

Wouldn’t it be great to see these people applauded properly. Forget about the rewards ceremony’s inflating the egos of multi millionaires. Forget about the soccer players who get an obscene amount of money each week. About fabricated musical artists who are only famous because their face fits, not their musical ability. About the ‘reality stars’ - these are the pond scum of society, yet the get more recognition than those who work exhausting shifts to help the public. 

Let’s see the nurses, the doctors, the ambulance crews, the care providers all be fully recognised - even if just once. 

Be proud of our care providers, be honoured and humbled that they are putting themselves out there each and every day to keep us safe and to keep us healthy. 

This time next year they’ll continue to be heroes....

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter
