There IS enough to go round...

There IS enough to go around...

As the spread of Corona Virus continues to ravage the world, we have seen the best and the worst of people. The people in the supermarkets with trolleys piled high with goods they don’t need, and won’t use - yet are only bought because they have a misguided ‘fear’ of missing out. 

The very concept of panic buying is a paradox of sanity. The fact that someone somewhere will say there’s going to be a shortage of anything, this in turn makes weaker minded people instantly feel the need to have that something, which then leads to mass buying of said item and by default creating said shortage. For the purposes of the Corona Virus pandemic, it would appear that the worldwide mania is firmly aligned to the manic need to purchase vast quantities of toilet paper. Why? The symptoms of the virus do not include the cleaning of a bodily function. But, and it’s a huge but; why does it still mean shopping carts around the world are piled high. Not just with toilet paper, but vast quantities of perishable items. This in itself is so maddening to witness, there is going to be so much food wasted for no other reason than some people just don’t want others to have any. 

In a world where we have plenty, there is enough for us all. There is no need to panic buy and there is no need to hoard. If we only buy what we need, when we need then, nobody will have to go without. 

If we are unable to go to the store to buy what we need, there will be others who will be there to help. I like people like this, I encourage everyone reading this to be one of those people. Be the kind of person who doesn’t bulk buy just because they can. Be the kind of person who buys for themselves, and shares what they have with others. 

Be the kind of person who recognised the country and the world is in a difficult time, but can see the opportunity to help, rather than manipulate. Be the kind of person who does what they can. Share what you have, whether it be food, medicines (but only if your prescriptions match), share resource, share time, share what you can. Pay it forward, and remember, nobody needs 100 rolls of toilet paper. 

Remember, there’s enough to go around. Enough food, enough supplies, enough medicines. It’s only the shortage of goodwill we really need to concern ourselves with. 

Be the kind of person that’s kind...

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

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