Fixing Stuff...

Ever have one of those weeks where it just feels like one problem after another? It can be difficult at times to not become so completely consumed by stuff, that mostly can be attributed to the trivial, but sometimes so much more. It can be nonsense stuff that needs dealing with, but because we see it as a problem, it builds and festers to the point where it escalates in our minds to so much more - yet in reality when we step back from it, we find it’s just another task that can be done and dusted. 

None of us can truly appreciate someone else’s story until we take the time to listen, to understand and most importantly not to judge. Everyone on this planet has their own things going on, some that might seem insurmountable to others, but could be day to day for them. It’s perspective and it’s experience that can give the coping mechanisms we all have. 

Sometimes it’s not possible to fix all your problems. That’s life. That’s one of those things that what we learn as we grow into what makes us “us”. For me, I don’t try to fix all my problems; I fix my thinking. Then the problems fix themselves. 

The secret is to not focus all your energy on fighting the old, but instead put it into building the new. Fix your thinking. This is the most important thing I can ever tell anyone. Get your thinking right, and you can tackle anything. Your fears will only ever seem like a distant memory. 

Never let your fears decide your future...

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter
