We are all aware of the concept of Ying and Yang. You know, often depicted by the swirling image of black and white and always together?
In Chinese mythology, Yin and Yang were born from chaos when the universe was first created and they are believed to exist in harmony at the centre of the Earth. This is pretty much in all of us, at all times. Never mind that this ideology has been around from the 3rd century, or possibly earlier. To still be relevant there’s got to be something in it. Right, huh?
How many times have you found yourself fighting with yourself over whether or not to do something? It can be really basic or simple things, but it’s a bit like the angel on one shoulder, and the devil in the other. We all find at times we get pulled in different directions while we try to reason with ourselves and to ultimately do what is right. What is right for the situation in hand, what is right for the outcome and what is right for everything that is still to come.
I guess what I’m trying to say is every now and then we need to set aside everything and do what we need to. Forget about the whole angel/devil scenario and do what is right for us. Sometimes it can be difficult, and other times it we just know. But ultimately, you already know what you need to do.
Why? I guess it’s because the seemingly opposite may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world. Also how they may empower to each other as they interrelate to one another. This to me is the very basis of self reasoning. When we think something through we often will find ourselves creating a ‘pros and cons’ list. Again it’s the opposites that give power to each other and the very basis of Ying and Yang.
It’s that inner chaos that we deal with on a day by day basis. But the thing is we do it. Every single day we deal with it and we are masters of it, whether we realise it or not. Finding the balance and letting it empower our decision making is one of the most powerful ways to become successful in whatever you do.
Get the balance right and you can be like a luxury yacht, graceful and calm on top of the water, all the time motoring powerfully underneath the water.
Ying and Yang might be closer than you think...
Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x
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