Fragile, yet imperfectly perfect...

When’s the last time you felt ‘fragile’?

I’m not talking about a hangover or the after effects of misdemeanours, I’m talking about the fragility of your mind more than your body.

Fragility is a term often associated with the elderly, the imagery being old and frail. Perhaps with a walking aid or hearing aid and vulnerable too. The reality is there are many people we encounter, of all ages and of all walks of life who are fragile. This isn’t derogatory, because we never know how close someone can be to breaking, without first trying to understand what they are going through. 

In these times where we are still living through the most surreal age any of us will have experienced, the fragility of our minds should not be overlooked. This is a time when many will experience mental health concerns - either for the first time, or for another unwelcome return. This is a time when we need to really be honest to ourselves about how fragile our mindset can be and to be both sympathetic and emphatic to how we feel, but the whole time being strong enough to know we can keep going. This is more powerful than the power of an explosion and brighter than a million suns. 

Our embracing of this is truly beautiful, because it is our innermost feelings and fears, but completely untarnished. It’s the very essence of you. 

Don’t be afraid to be fragile, don’t be afraid to break. We all break sometimes and we mend and we may even break again. But we mend, in our own way. It doesn’t mean we’ve failed, it means we’ve been strong enough to give ourselves another go, and that is so very important because it means we are stronger than we thought we could be. 

In a way it’s like Kintsukuroi, the Japanese art of fixing broken pottery. Rather than rejoin ceramic pieces with a camouflaged adhesive, the Kintsukuroi technique uses a special tree sap lacquer dusted with powdered gold, silver, or platinum. It makes the imperfect perfectly beautiful.

Be your own person. 

Be independent. 

Be strong.

Be you. 

But don’t be afraid to be fragile.

Be imperfectly perfect...

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

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