Have you ever had one of those days, or one of those weeks where it just feels like you have had information overload. You know the sort of day where you are just bombarded with constant streams of information and your head is spinning trying take in everything, yet absorbing little.
There’s a balance to what we can take in - and what we should take in. More importantly getting the balance right is critical. Absorption of information is different for everyone. Don’t ever feel that you have to be like anyone else when it comes to what you can take in, and what you understand based on the information in front of you. The same applies for others, if you can see someone struggling when you ‘get it’ - help them. Help impart what you have with others whenever you can because it can make the difference between understanding or giving up.
For me it’s about knowing when to take time to step back, if only for a few minutes and let it digest. Take the time, take all the time you need or all the time you have to understand it. That will be one of the best uses of time you will ever have. Trust me on that.
If you’re not getting it, revisit the information and try again. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Actually do ask questions - question everything! I even ask questions into myself as a way of working through the logic of what I’m faced with. However, if someone is providing you with information, don’t worry about asking them to break it down for you so you get the most out of it - and out of them too. Everything can be broken down into bite sized chunks. Likewise, if you are sharing information with anyone, you should know the subject at yer well enough to discuss at any level. If you don’t, take more time to ensure you do.
It’s often said that knowledge is power; but it’s only truly powerful when it’s shared. That is something that made me think about the difference between knowledge and wisdom. The truth is, I don’t think you can have one without the other. And that’s where we need to apply wisdom to gain real knowledge. Don’t get swamped by information overload, when you can feast the in a world full of knowledge.
We are drowning in information, yet we are starving for wisdom...
Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x
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