Reflections of who...?

Every now and again I find a reflective image that really catches my eye. The sort of thing where you find yourself stopping and really staring into the detail. 

For almost infinite, my favourites are buildings reflected in puddles or trees on lakes. It is the detail that nobody sees but me. Just in that moment I see everything. I guess it’s one of those things that everyone will see differently. It’s kind of like it becomes a gift in itself with a subtle beauty; whether the image is of an age old tree or even a derelict building waiting inconspicuously to crumble away. 

It sort of symbolises us too if we think about it. Who we are, how others see us and the subtle beauty you carry in every day. I don’t think any of us see ourselves in the way we really are. Just like looking into a reflection of a tree on a lake, we can see the beauty in the detail and the intricacies we see in front of us. However, when we look at our own reflection we see everything nobody else can, and in most cases it isn’t what’s really there. I mean, when is the last time you looked at your reflection in a mirror? Probably every time you go into a bathroom - true?

Ok, so now that we’ve established that we see ourselves in the mirror every day, we can be honest to admit that we don’t actually see ourselves. It’s almost like looking at the shadow of a reflection. We have our pre-conceptions and judgements we blanket ourselves with that make our line of sight distorted, often without even realising or knowing it. 

Take a short time today to look at your reflection honestly. To do this, just look into a mirror, but then take it up a level and look into your eyes. Not anywhere else, but straight into the gateway of your soul. Take a short time to see yourself completely un-jaded. You’ll know when that happens because it’s the very second you relax and start to take yourself in. So now that we have been able to really see ourselves, move your focus back to all of your face and head. Notices all the little things that make up you. Any tiny scars from childhood misadventures or coming of age acne. Look for freckles or any small detail that is unique to you. See the lines you’ve earned through the struggles or pain of a hundred thousand tears. Notice the other lines that have embedded from a million smiles either released or held back, just waiting for the right moment. 

Look at yourself as others do who admire you. Because when you do you start to notice why. See the kindness and sincerity of your gaze or the formation of words on your lips as you speak. These are all the reflections of your soul and what makes you radiate your innermost beauty. 

Look up, what do you see?

All of you, all of me...

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter
