Grease the wheel...

How many times in life have we been faced with a problem and we’ve ended up inadvertently over thinking/over complicating the solution?

Sound familiar?

We may have been the one trying too hard to get the resolve, or I can guarantee at some point we will have witnessed someone else over thinking the solution. 

I’m a pretty methodical thinker. Or at least I try to be. I reason outcomes as part of my way of analysis of the potential solution. I guess it’s because I like to figure out how things work. I like to know the Why, as well as the How. I do my very best to not let anything beat me. Even if it takes me hours, sometimes more, I will strip back a problem in my mind and try to get to the root cause so not just to be able to solve/fix it, but to figure out why and to spot the trigger points of it happening again. If you can substantiate your decision making, then it should be the best it can be based on experience, resource and any potential constraints. 

I guess it comes down to when we think through anything, it should be done with an open mind. Open to the outcome being different to the perceived outcome when we start. Especially now in my career, as I’ve got a little bit older, I look on it as getting a little bit more experienced with every new challenge. With that experience we build a subconscious library we can draw upon as we come up against new challenges. But with every new challenge I go into it completely open minded, because I know now that for me to get the most out of the challenge and the most out of myself, it is essential to be completely open to the journey it can take you on. 

Don’t ever think that you are not ready to take on a challenge. There is potential in all that we do. We all have the potential to grease the wheel and set the wheels in motion to become anything we want. 

It’s not about reinventing the wheel - it’s just about making it run a little smoother...

Happy Damn New Year Peeps! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter
