Lightbulb moments...

Why is it when we have a good idea it’s considered to be a lightbulb moment? Ok so the official definition is an informal noun; a moment of sudden inspiration, revelation or recognition. 

I get them all the time. In fact the words you are reading right now are a direct result of that. Something will give me inspiration and I write Happy Damn Friday in one go, start to finish. Mainly because I don’t want the moment to go. The inspiration comes in many forms, it can be from seeing how someone deals with something, to the behaviour of others whose acts I may deplore, or simply by just noticing something that catches my eye. There are no bounds on what I let influence me. 

The same should be for you too. Don’t think something is good or bad, think of it as something that can inspire you to think or behave in a certain way. Especially if something inspires you to think - that’s the real heavy stuff right there. That’s the stuff that you should absorb in every way you can. 

Find a lightbulb movement in every day. Remember, when you look at it as a potential three pronged spear, a trident of opportunity to grow. Every day we have the the potential to find inspiration, revelation or recognition in our lives. We have three paths, and many different opportunities to discover a lightbulb moment in whatever we are doing, or wherever we find ourselves. Even if you are in a room on your own it is still possible. Take the quietness to find your thoughts and let the brightest ones come forward and shine. 

It doesn’t matter if your individual lightbulb movements come to nothing. Not all of them will, but it is so very important to leave yourself open to them so that you don’t ever miss what could be your defining moment. That very second when everything not only becomes so vividly clear like the highest definition television set, but  almost like somewhere from within the biggest, brightest, most beautiful light ignites from within you. What makes it beautiful is that it comes from you, and ultimately is you. 

Don’t just live in darkness just because it’s easier. 

"It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness." Eleanor Roosevelt

Happy Damn New Year Peeps! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter
