This Too Shall Pass...

This week I’ve been thinking a lot about how we influence, either directly through our actions, words or what we create. The thing is we all influence either consciously or sub consciously. There will be someone who can learn from us, and others who will aspire to think differently, but need someone or something to broaden their minds and broaden their horizons. 

In reality I believe that we all have a moral responsibility to help where we can and who we can. 

If you think about a lighthouse, you have a tower of strength and guidance that warns of danger ahead and at the same time acts as beacon of hope. It illuminates even the darkest and stormiest nights. It doesn’t matter what it is being battered with, either torrential rains or hurricane winds; it stands strong and steadfast. So why don’t we try to emulate this in our every day life?

You have the brightness and energy to illuminate a million lights. You can shine brighter than any lighthouse has ever done. You are also stronger than any wind or rain that will blow against you on any day or night. You will outride any storm that comes your way!

Don’t underestimate that we have the capability to do this too. Even if we don’t think it, we’ve already done it before. There are times when you have to be strong and shine bright for others, even when you’re facing the storms yourself. But it’s that inner strength that you inadvertently draw upon, and not knowing you are doing it, that keeps you there. It’s your inner strength that knows that this storm too shall pass. So it’s up to you to always continue to shine on.

Remember, there has never been a storm that hasn’t passed...

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

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