Try, Try Again

So this week I have been working on some spreadsheet reports that have needed formulas to make them work how I wanted. That in itself is nothing new, I’ll openly admit to loving the challenge of figuring it out. However, there were a couple of points where it felt like I was getting nowhere and just couldn’t get my head round what I was doing to enable me to get the end result. 

I tried several of my known work arounds and nothing seemed to work. So I stepped back. I broke them down to the core components of the problem and re-evaluated my approach. Making sure each individual component worked as it should before putting them together into a couple of lines of formula. 

You know what? It worked. 

Taking the time to working it out without giving up, and without accepting defeat as permanent meant I was able to achieve the end goal. 

Last week i talked about lightbulb moments, this week they happened. One after another until I got to where I wanted. 

Keep looking where the light pours in!

If at first you don’t succeed; try, try again. A phrase referenced to Robert the Bruce who observed a spider trying to spin its web, deep in a cave in Bannockburn. An unrelenting little creature that persevered until it achieved. We all can take something from this. It’s about resilience to setbacks and the focus on achieving our goals - not matter how big or small we are. And no matter how big or small they are too. 

If success does not come immediately, and often it will not, then it is what drive that keeps us going. It doesn’t matter what you are doing, perseverance is the key. Keeping going is what matters and ultimately the cause of success. 

Accept failure (temporarily)...

Just don’t accept not trying; and trying again!

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter
