Life’s Not Fair...

Life’s not fair

How many times have you heard that, or perhaps you’ve been the one to say it? The simple truth is; life isn’t fair. 

Life’s isn’t fair because there are so many that have so much less than you. Yes, there are many that have more than you; but never forget those with less would dream to have what you have. Even it if starts with the security of a roof over your head, somewhere warm and dry to sleep. 

Life isn’t fair because we have a wardrobe of clothes, but don’t have that outfit we ‘really want’. Life isn’t fair because there are those who walk barefoot, dressed in nothing more than rags. Donate what you don’t wear to charity. Give someone else the opportunity to use what you don’t. 

Life isn’t fair because you make mistakes. What matters is when you accept it, take responsibility and accountability for what you’ve done and take it as a lesson. Life isn’t fair because we are all human, and by default we all have the propensity to make mistakes. But they are only truly mistakes when we don’t learn from them. 

Life isn’t fair because you don’t have your dream job, but what are you doing about making that a reality rather than making excuses for it not happening. However, life isn’t fair for those who are struggling to obtain work and to provide for themselves and their families. 

Life isn’t fair because you don’t have what others have. But don’t forget it’s only material stuff. What isn’t fair is jealousy, because it will devour you from within. Be happy for what others have. Appreciate what others have, because someone is looking at you feeling exactly the same way. Life isn’t fair, but you know what? I’m making it fair. I am living my life accepting who I am and what I have. I work hard and continue to do so so that I can enjoy what I have. 

Life isn’t fair because we have become conditioned to believe we are owed everything in life. Life will never be fair when you fall into that mindset. 

So how do we turn the tide? It’s easy:

  • Be thankful for everything you have or are given. 
  • Listen more, and talk less. 
  • Be on time and stop making excuses. 
  • Be humble - no matter how far you go. 
  • Do something nice; believe in random acts of kindness. Make them part of who you are. 

Last but not least, and the one thing I urge you to take away this week; 

Strive for excellence - not perfection...

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter
