It’s a dishwasher thing...

How many times have you gone to unload the dishwasher, only to find that some of the dishes haven’t washed properly? Frustrating isn’t it?

I had this this morning. Ok, so I realise this isn’t significant in the grand scheme of things. However, it’s an unnecessary use of power and resource to put it right. That in itself is completely avoidable. Not to mention it’s a nuisance, and quite frankly a pain in the ass. 

So what’s the root cause? It’s always going to be how it’s been loaded. Resulting in not enough flow for the water to do it’s thing. Ok, this isn’t about the finer points of plumbing or dishwashers this week. But instead, what if you think about this as being your mind?

When we cram too much in at once we are never going to get the best results out of what we can expect as an outcome. True? This isn’t even necessarily true for when we study, but can also be applied when we are reading one or more books at the same time. It’s about knowing what you can absorb, without the content getting washed away. Letting your brain do what it’s designed to do and function on a level much higher than you will ever give yourself credit for. It’s about filling your mind with knowledge, with wonderment, with stuff that interests you and helps you grow. Not about filling it full of crap from rubbish tv, or tabloid press. As a people we need to stop lobotomising ourselves with second rate (at best) ‘entertainment’ and gutter press. 

We each, individually, possess the worlds most powerful processor, and sadly many let it waste with nothing to challenge them. Nothing to provoke thought, nothing to make them question. 

Instead, think about what you’re placing in there. Place it in an order that allows you to retrieve it easily and best of all in its entirety. Place it in such a way that information and thought flow freely, just like the water in your dishwasher should. We all have the capacity to learn, with every day we are alive. Why not embrace it and challenge your mind? Turn off the tv and pick up a book. Load your brain with quality, not quantity. 

Never let it be said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks...

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

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