100,000 Reasons Why…

Ok, so this week I’ve had a few ideas about what to write about. But the truth is, it all kind of got blown away by a pretty significant landmark; #happydamnfriday received its 100,000 view this week. 

It might not seem that much to some, but for me this is huge. 

For something that started 8yrs ago as a way of me processing ‘life’, with just a couple of friends reading it, to it being shared every week (without fail), to being viewed in over 70 countries around the world. But someone has read it this yesterday, for the 100,000 time since I first posted on 1st March 2013. 

Ok, so let’s take it even further. This blog, my simple words, has made it that far around the world on word of mouth alone. This has undoubtedly been to its detriment. Of that I’m sure, because every week I am invited to pay to promote it by Facebook - and each week I kindly decline. There have been times when I have been frustrated, especially as at the end of 2018 and beginning of 2019 I was recording up to 4000 views a week, but in one week that cut to less than 100. The ‘algorithm’ kicked in….

Anyway, I guess I have to remind myself of why I started this. And I am drawn to the very first words I posted on the blog:

For those of you that don't know me, or what I do, I have been putting up Facebook status updates on my profile every Friday under the guise of "Happy Damn Friday".

These are becoming more popular each week and starting to get feedback that my friends are looking forward each Friday morning to see what comes next.

Basically all posts are there to inspire, get you to think, be happy/positive, and to make you smile - from the heart out.”

The very first post is here:


I’m not lying if I tell you I have read and re-read this post many times yesterday and last night. Even this morning just before I post this. I reminds me of my journey. In the last 8yrs I have experienced a lot. It’s safe to say I have had more than my fair share. But at the same time I know I have come back and will continue to comeback from what comes my way. I urge you to think of what has happened in your life in the same period. Think of what you have bounced back from, think about what you have powered through, accomplished or survived. But at the same time accept just how awesome it is just to be there today and thinking about how far you’ve come. 

Think about how much you’ve grown in the last 8yrs, then think about that as just the starting point. 8yrs in and your absolutely smashing it. You are taking yourself into life - not just from the sidelines, but head on and that’s what her makes you special. You can and are doing this, each and every week. Each and every day. 

So, take a moment. Take 5mins to reflect on just how damn special you truly are… I can think of 100,000 reasons why. 

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter

